New LATCH Regulations Protect Children
Understanding Car Seat Safety to Better Protect Children As of February 2015, all car seats must include labeling that defines the weight limits for using LATCH anchors for a particular seat. LATCH anchors are designed to support a maximum weight of 65 pounds. This limit includes the seat and the child passenger. The previous law […]
Falling Seniors Prone to Car Wrecks
Association Between Falls and Driving Outcomes In Older Adults is the name of the AAA Foundation study. Drivers over the age of 60 are involved in approximately 400,00 car crashes annually, according to the study’s findings. Researchers behind the study sought a common link aside from age. A decline in general fitness levels as a […]
Bicycle, Pedestrian And Car Accidents: By The Numbers
Cities are filled to the brim with cars which amounts to smog-filled air and crash prone streets. To reduce these trends, the new buzzwords in urban development and planning are “walk-able” and “bike-able” communities. Unfortunately as walking and biking is encouraged, so do instances of fatal pedestrian and bike accidents. According to the National Highway […]
Non-Owner of Vehicle Gets in Accident: Who is Liable?
If a person loans his/her car to someone such as a relative, friend, or a designated driver, and the driver gets in an accident, the owner may be liable for any fatalities, injuries, or damages. A motorist who is not the owner can drive someone else’s car for a variety of reasons. For example, a […]
The Alarming Statistics Behind TBI
Of the more than 200,000 diagnosed cases of traumatic brain injuries, experts estimate that more than half are the result of a motor vehicle injury. What is a Traumatic Brain Injury? Traumatic brain injuries, often caused by a jolt or violent blow to the head, commonly occur in contact sports and motor vehicle accidents. TBI’s […]
New Campaign Raises Awareness of Railroad Intersection Dangers
In the wake of the Amtrak derailment in Pennsylvania earlier this month, Operation Lifesaver is promoting a new public awareness campaign dedicated to “changing people’s behavior around railroad tracks and crossings.” While no vehicles were involved in the derailment, there were 2,059 vehicle-train collisions in the U.S. in 2015, causing 244 deaths and nearly a […]
Pancreatic Cancer Is The Most Misdiagnosed Disease
Pancreatic cancer is one of the most misdiagnosed or undetected diseases. According to a study from the University of Utah, doctors frequently mistake it for gall bladder disease, acid reflux and peptic ulcer disease. These misdiagnoses result in longer treatment periods and higher rates of late-stage cancer for the affected patients. This study seems to […]