Chicago, Illinois Auto Accident Attorneys

Representing Clients Injured by Defective Fuel Systems in Illinois

Defective fuel systems can lead to disastrous consequences, including vehicle fires, serious injuries, and death. Vehicle manufacturers are under an obligation to design and produce safe vehicles and, when defective fuel systems result in injuries and death, the vehicle manufacturer or designer may be liable in a product liability lawsuit.

The Chicago defective fuel system attorneys at Ankin Law focus on representing the victims of serious auto accidents, including those involving defective fuel systems and other auto defects. Contact our office at (800) 442-6546 to schedule a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable Chicago defective fuel system attorneys.

Common Fuel System Defects

The following are some of the more common fuel system defects:

  • Misplacement of fuel tanks on the side or rear of vehicles where they can easily be punctured
  • Misplacement of fuel lines in locations where they can easily be pinched and ruptured
  • The use of inadequate materials to connect fuel tanks to fuel filler necks
  • The use of unsafe materials to manufacture fuel lines

Types of Auto Product Liability Defects

Three types of defects may be claimed in a motor vehicle product liability case, including those involving a defective fuel line:

  • Design Defects – Design mistakes rendered the fuel system dangerous when used as intended or for another foreseeable purpose.
  • Manufacturing Defects – Mistakes in the manufacturing process made the vehicle’s fuel system dangerous.
  • Marketing Defects – The product was not properly labeled with instructions or warnings to ensure safe usage.

Product liability lawsuits can be filed against anyone along a vehicle’s supply chain, including the automobile designer, the automobile manufacturer, the marketing companies, and car dealerships. A product liability claim, including a defective fuel system claim, can be based on any one of the following theories, all of which require that the plaintiff prove that the car’s defect caused the plaintiff’s injuries:

  • Negligence – The alleged responsible party knew of or reasonably should have known of the fuel system’s defect and failed to satisfy its duty to protect the consumer and/or the public.
  • Strict Liability – In Illinois, auto manufacturers and dealerships may be responsible for injuries caused by defective automobiles if (1) the product was defective and unreasonably dangerous for its intended purpose; (2) the defect existed when the product left the vehicle manufacturer; and (3) the defective vehicle caused the plaintiff’s injury.
  • Breach of Warranty – The auto manufacturer or dealership violated a written or implied warranty guaranteeing a product free from defects.

At Ankin Law, our Chicago auto defect attorneys are dedicated to protecting the victims of serious auto accidents, including those involving defective fuel systems, vehicle fires, and other auto defect claims.  Because we focus on representing the victims of auto accidents and auto product liability claims, we are well-versed in the Illinois auto accident laws and regulations. We are familiar with the processes and procedures of insurance companies so we can work to get you a quick and favorable settlement.

If a favorable settlement is not possible, our team includes skilled Chicago auto defect litigators, who will vigorously fight to protect your rights in a court of law. If you have been injured as a result of a defective fuel system, contact one of our Chicago auto defect attorneys today to learn more about a possible auto defect product liability claim.