Just as the news highlights the massive increase in air travel during the summer months, the same can be expected of traveling by vehicle. This undoubtedly means more accidents on the road and more injuries as a natural result of those car accidents. Calvin Harris’ terrifying car accident this past weekend is a clear reminder that not even famous record producing DJs are exempt from the rising potential for accidents as the summer season drifts closer.
Unfortunately, this accident brings up one of the main reasons why summertime can be so dangerous on the road, the increase in teen drivers. This, along with a handful of other reasons is why the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration denotes August as the most dangerous month to be on the road driving. Calvin’s vehicle was nearly ripped in two all due to a 16 year old driver losing control of her car causing a head-on collision. While he suffered minimal injuries, the other driver was not as fortunate. Serious and even fatal injury is all too common in these cases. The young driver was violently thrown from the vehicle and broke her pelvis as a result of the crash. Had this occurred in this area, the victim could have benefited from the help of a Chicago injury attorney.
According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, a solid 20% of the 296,049 crashes that took place in Illinois in 2014 resulted in injuries, with 19,765 people injured in Chicago alone. Bringing the number of car accidents down this coming summer season shouldn’t be an insurmountable task. Avoiding distracted driving is a big factor in reducing the number of accidents taking place with over 10% of young drivers in fatal crashes reported to be distracted at the time of crash. Reminding friends and family to avoid texting and other distractions such as social media while driving is one step towards safer roads for all drivers. Further reduce the likelihood of serious injury by wearing a seat belt as well as requiring the same of passengers as the law requires. Accidents can and do happen to even the most skilled drivers, which is why giving one’s full attention to driving is important. The ability to react to avoid another distracted driver can help prevent accidents.