Car accidents in Chicago and its neighboring suburbs have increased significantly since last year, with traffic fatalities at a record high. In fact, more than a third of all traffic deaths in Illinois were attributed to Chicago and its suburbs.
The Chicago area alone has had 207 car accident fatalities in Cook, Lake, DuPage and Will counties, with 571 total deaths in Illinois to date.
How can you protect yourself?
Chicagoans often joke that Chicago has only two seasons: winter, and construction. Both can be dangerous, especially when traveling on congested highways or roads.
Traffic deaths are no joking matter.
Knowing what causes fatal car accidents can help drivers protect themselves from the conditions that can contribute to car accidents:
- Snow, rain, and other weather-related conditions contribute to fatal car accidents
- Speeding and weaving through traffic is a major contributor to car accidents
- Distracted driving and drunk driving are responsible for a high number of head on collisions, which are most often fatal.
- Construction zones can be particularly dangerous, for those in cars as well as for construction workers. Sudden stops or merged lanes can cause rear-end collisions and/or swerving that can injure or kill workers.
- Nearly half of all car accident fatalities happen at night, with two thirds of those who died reported as not wearing seat belts.
Drivers and passengers involved in a fatality are often concerned about what might happen after the accident. The circumstances of the accident, the severity of the injuries and the parties involved will determine the steps that need to be taken after an accident occurs.
Consulting with a Chicago car accident lawyer can help drivers and passengers understand their options, protect their rights or help recover damages for personal injuries or deaths that occurred.
Each car accident has unique factors, whether that might be weather conditions, the cause of the accident, the extent of the medical injuries and the damage that the accident caused. A Chicago lawyer who handles car accidents can provide advice about how to proceed, options that are possible and what might happen next.
Nobody wants to be involved in a car accident. With fatalities on the rise and with traffic in Chicago more congested than ever, it is important to discuss options with a qualified Chicago car accident lawyer.